Privacy Policy & General Terms and Conditions of Use

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and we are aware of our responsibilities when processing your personal data. Publiaz immobilier SA is committed to respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how we process your personal data transmitted to us via our website, by email or post and via social networks.

We also wish to inform you that we will never pass your personal data on to third parties. If we were to do so, we guarantee that this would be for the sole purpose of carrying out our work and fulfilling the purposes for which the data was collected. For example, forwarding your file to the owner of a property you are interested in.

How long do we keep your personal data?
Publiaz immobilier SA will keep your personal data for the duration of our contractual relationship.

This Privacy Policy is subject to Swiss law. Any complaints, claims or disputes must be submitted to the courts with jurisdiction for the region where Publiaz immobilier SA has its registered office, with the possibility of appeal to the Swiss Federal Court.



General Terms and Conditions of Use

Data protection

The data from this website is used solely for the purpose of providing the service and will not be passed on to third parties. We also collect and analyse statistical data to optimise our services.

Data security

As neither access to this website nor emails sent to our addresses are encrypted, it is possible that data might be transmitted incompletely or viewed by third parties. We therefore ask that you do not send us confidential information through electronic messaging systems. We usually respond to questions received in this way by email.


The information on this website is provided for information only and is non-binding. It is given without obligation and is subject to change or rental or sale in the meantime. Although we regularly check this information to ensure it is accurate and up to date, we accept no responsibility for any consequences arising from its use. We also accept no responsibility for the content of third-party websites linked to our site or for any damage resulting from the use of such links. We do not guarantee the availability of our website or accept responsibility for any damage (outages, viruses) that may result from the use of our online services.


The entire content of this website is protected by copyright (all rights reserved). Downloading and printing said content is generally permitted, even partially, but the author always retains the ownership rights. Any transmission, reproduction, modification, linking or use of this site for public or de commercial purposes is prohibited without our prior written consent.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may require. Email: